Firewire Introduces Volcanic Technology

Volcanic Technology features a unique combination of EPS foam, parabolic Paulownia wood rails, high density composite skin and Basalt, a laminating cloth woven from Basalt fibres extruded from volcanic rocks that are crushed and melted at about 1500°C.
Compared to aramid and carbon fibre, Basalt has a wider application temperature range (-269°C to +650°C) with higher resistance to oxidation and radiation. It also provides higher compression strength and shear strength. The higher elasticity characteristics of Basalt over traditional carbon fibre results in boards that have more flex for a natural feel under foot.
When combined with bio-resin, Basalt serves as a better degradable alternative over carbon fibre cloth.
Available exclusively in the USA through Firewire's website.
Rob Machado with the Seaside in Firewire's new Volcanic Technology