Positive Action | Negative Carbon
Saving the planet for the future generation
To prevent the most catastrophic effects of climate change, we should aim to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5°C¹ above pre-industrial levels, which corresponds to reducing global annual CO₂ emissions from about 1.4 billion tons per year² to net zero by 2050.
To accomplish this, the world will need to both radically reduce the new emissions we put into the air, and remove the carbon already in the atmosphere.
By partnering with purpose-led companies, we hope to raise the awareness on climate change and the importance of sustainability within the local surf scene and the wider community.
This is achieved not only through our 1% contribution towards the reduction of CO₂, but also through the brands we represent and their engagement with environmental and humanitarian organisations such as Surfrider Foundation, Parley for the Oceans, Surfers against Sewage, Save the Waves, Rob Machado Foundation and more.
¹ UN Environment Emissions Gap Report 2019
² Global Carbon Budget
Carbon Removal Is Critical
Our Contribution
SMAS will contribute 1% of profits to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere by funding frontier carbon removal technologies
Towards Zero Waste
Upcycling EPS Foam Waste
You Can Make A Difference
Act Now
Communities can come together to impact change and we believe everyone can play a role, no matter how big or small. Before you paddle out the next time, take a look at your equipment & assess if you’ve done enough to reduce your carbon footprint. The future will be the result of our actions today.